August 13, 2009 journal, another big med burden on labor will put most employers out of business. Most businesses today are struggling to keep up and another 8-1/2 % will bury the possibility to continue business for most, puts another 50 million people out of work. The above may not be true, it may be another rumor by the Republican Righters like Fox News media is spreading to kill the reform bill in favor of the scalawag insurance industry. People are moving out of the United States now at a rapid rate to more stable economies. This may be the best news yet in the abandonment of foreclosed houses by the banks. The homeowner then is free and clear because they cannot foreclose it the second time, neither can they ever contact you again for payment. I have predicted that banks would walk off and leave their mortgages and now it is that day of Jubilee that has come to us. Now we only need to tell the homeowners what their rights and privileges are in this case. This is the beginning of the real crumbling of the usury banking system which is a good thing. There may be lots of costs involved in transferring a house to your name but not owners. If the bank has abandoned your foreclosure you probably can move back in because it is still in your name and you will not have a mortgage payment due if they are fair about it, my guess is you could go buy that house for $1 after it has failed to sell in the foreclosure auction but then you are responsible for the city, state and county taxes on the property. While the bank cannot foreclose the house again, the tax people can sell it for the taxes. There is lots of costs in keeping up a house and that is why cities do not want your house the same as a bank does not want to own your house because its undue expense to them. My only interest is to help provide a roof over people's head but that is very complicated. You could probably stand on the street trying to give a house away all day with no takers. It would be interesting to buy a house for $1.00 then put up a sign House Free of Charge. You out there that want to help people, go to your Master in Equity Court in any county and ask about houses that did not sell in their monthly auction. They could give you a list of them then you can go to the bank that foreclosed on them and ask to buy for $1. each. If the people are still living there then try to reinstate them to save their home but if you cannot find the former owner then transfer it to someone desperately needing a home. So many times these people disappear off the radar screen and even are living under bridges. I have no respect for banks or the legal system that denies the American people homes. Annual tax on property can be reduced for certain reasons and the rate can be protested. We are at the end of a long and ugly era of debt prison payments to the awful sorry banks. We are at the end of a long and ugly struggle where neighbor wants to profit on neighbor. Modern Christianity endorses profiteering on your neighbor but it is not the biblical way. Who is our neighbor? Our neighbor is every person on earth as known, seen and unseen. The Colonial Bank of Montgomery Alabama with 355 locations between Texas & Florida is on the verge of bankruptcy / closure owing BankAmerica $1 billion unable to function. Suddenly the bank is swallowed up by BB&T along with $2.5 billion from the FDIC. The FDIC is a mystery organization pathway to the Federal Reserve money printing machine. Colonial Bank was said to be the fifth largest in America with 25 billion dollars in assets. Looking at this we know it will not be long until all the banks will close and there will be no more money coming from the federal government or the independent Federal Reserve. A black mother of 5 said on CBN today that half of all black children are being aborted. Makes one wonder if Roe vs. Wade had more to do with race control than freedom of choice. That was 50 million plus live baby murders ago from the 1972 Supreme Court.